Tom Lowe The Confession: An Elizabeth Monroe Novel

The Confession: An Elizabeth Monroe Novel by author Tom Lowe is so intriguing I could not stop reading, (except to sleep)! I love this series by Tom Lowe. The first book with Elizabeth Monroe was The Butterfly Forest and I sobbed during a couple of scenes in the novel. Now in The Confession, Elizabeth Monroe, a college professor who teaches forensic psychology, feels the murders hit close to her heart. The frustration deepens for Elizabeth as she suspects Father Henry McGrath has heard a confession from the serial killer but is steadfast about not breaking the holy canon law regarding confessional privacy. The characters in the story are well developed and the drama of trying to identify a murderer before more innocent people die is fast-paced.
I live in Mississippi and love the Hattiesburg area!
Thank you, Tom Lowe, for another wonderful novel, more Elizabeth Monroe, please!
