Lisa Gardner The Man Who Died Twice A Short Mystery with a touch of the Bizarre

A Short-Story Mystery...

The Guy Who Died Twice by author Lisa Gardner is a short story written about one particular day and weird case DD Warren solved in record time! The setting for the story is at her home as DD and Alex are having their cozy glass of red after putting little Jack and Kiko to bed. DD begins to tell Alex about the most bizarre case. A man appears at HQ and demands to see the detective in charge regarding a murder, his own! He is convinced he is dead! I won't post spoilers but jump into this short mystery which happens a bit like the game Clue, or an Agatha Christi mystery. The theme is based on a non-fiction neurological disorder named Cotard's Syndrome. If you enjoy DD Waren, this will be just the touch of mystery you need for an after-holiday break!
Publication Date: January 8, 2019


Art Images and Photographs by Diane Lochala-All Rights Reserved
