Patricia SAnds The Bridge Club A lifetime of Friends... Brilliant and thought-provoking!

The Bridge Club by author Patricia Sands is one which will leave you thinking about it long after you put the book down. Eight friends who pledge to help each other as a group when they are young women are now aging and come to the aid of one in need. They have weathered college, dating, careers, families, marriages, children, divorces, death, and all that life can deliver to a diverse group of ladies. Each woman in the BC has a specific story to tell as they travel together for a weekend retreat. The stories will take the reader along the sixty's through the present day and you may find yourself putting on some of your old music to play in the background as these ladies reminisce about the choices they made and how it affected their friendships. Some of it will have you laughing and some may have you shedding tears, but at the ending, you will be stunned and wishing you had a group of friends who would do the very utmost for you in the end. I won't post spoilers, I will let you read it for yourself!
Brilliant and thought-provoking!


Art Images or Photographs by Diane Lochala-All Rights Reserved

"Days of Blue"
