Tracy Buchanan The Lost Sister, Another Emotional PAGE TURNER!

The Lost Sister by Tracy Buchanan has a surprising twist at the end! No, do not read ahead or you will spoil the story for yourself. Seriously I enjoyed this book very much, even though I felt an overwhelming sadness when I finished the story. I cared about the characters even though as I read the book I was hoping some of the choices they made would have been different.
The book is written from the perspective of Selma in the early 1990's and Becky's perspective is in present time. It is very well organized and does not cause any confusion with the time and events.
Selma is not happy in her life and feels that if she could just write a second novel which could become a best seller her problems would be gone. She has a character flaw which affects each person she loves. Selma tells lies easier than telling the truth. She just can not help herself it seems, even when she knows she should tell the truth. She loves her daughter, Becky, but is not comfortable in the role of a mother. Since Becky's birth, Selma's feelings for her husband has changed. It was not anything he did specifically, but Selma felt a change within herself.
Becky has grown up without her mother. She feels resentment and bitterness toward her mom for having abandoned her and her father when she was a child. Becky did not understand the choices her mother made when she left their home to live in a cave with strange hippie-type people.
Becky agrees to a last request from her mother. Even though they have been estranged for years, she goes to visit her mother before she dies. Her mother does not want hospice care but wants to be taken to the cave under the hotel to die. The last words Selma utters to Becky will send her across continents in search of a younger sister!
Sometimes the answers you seek may not be the ones you want to hear.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book. 

Art Images and Photographs by Diane Lochala-All Rights Reserved

