Jessica Knoll The Favorite Sister,

The Favorite Sister by Jessica Knoll is about a group of women who are either business owners or successful in the careers they have chosen. They were brought together for a reality show called Goal Diggers. They call themselves the Standing Sisters after the first season and have matching signet rings. The guidelines for acceptance among them is they do not worry about dieting, each is career driven, and they are not mothers.
Brett, Jen, Stephanie, and Lauren return for the fourth season of Goal Diggers along with the first among their group to have a child, Kelly who is Brett's older sister and her business partner. Kelly's daughter Layla will be on the show also. The book opens with Kelly's interview after Brett has died.
These women are not all friends, so do not expect any bonding. Jen, Lauren, and Stephanie have more in common and have known each other longer. After it is known that Kelly is definitely joining them for the current season, the backstabbing and conniving start.
The book really does not have a consistent plot, other than their conflicts and pettiness to each other. They each have their own narrative and thoughts about each other. I suppose it is the same as watching a reality show on TV or cable. The book seemed slow, but maybe it was that way to me because each woman was so self-absorbed. Jen is so hateful to her mother, Yvette Greenberg it makes me hurt. Yvette was in the first season but walked off when the advisory board did not agree to give her more money for season two.
Lauren, Jen, and Stephanie start talking about Brett and Kelly as they plan the trips, open house, and parties for the show in the coming season. And then the narratives for each woman gets a bit boring.
I won't post spoilers, but if you can get through the first half of the book then you will probably continue on through to the ending. Best Wishes!
Art Images and Photographs by Diane Lochala-Diane Lochala
A Southern Moment- Diane Lochala

"The Watcher"
