Lie With Me by Sabine Durrant...Psychological thriller...!! Jan 11

Lie With Me by author Sabine Durrant is a suspenseful psychological thriller which hooks you from the beginning. Now I will have to honestly say, the more I read, the more I detested the main character, Paul Morris. I would read and think, "This guy is making me so mad, he is an arrogant jerk!" If you have this same feeling, trust me, stick with the book!
I won't post spoilers, but Paul is experiencing a time in his life when he has not lived up to his potential, has no money, no home, and it seems, no friends. He has a great sense of self-worth and seems to expect others to accept his impulsive little lies. They are just little lies that pop out of his mouth before he realizes the impact these lies may have on others.
But does that justify what happens to Paul?  You must read the book... it is shockingly good!
(Mature/Adult themes; Language)

Art Photography - Diane Lochala
