Coming Soon...Protocol by Kathleen Valenti...A Maggie O'Malley Mystery

Protocol by Kathleen Valenti is a thriller with Maggie O’Malley as the main character. She is just beginning her new job with a pharmaceutical research company, RXcellance.
The story has bits of wry humor mixed in the banter between Maggie and her best friend Constantine, or Gus as she calls him.
I won’t post spoilers, but Maggie’s problems seem to begin with the “New”-Used cell phone that Gus gives to her when she moves to her new apartment. An app on this phone sends a meeting reminder with the picture of a person Maggie does not know. Later she will discover the person has been killed. Odd things happen at the office which she can not explain and can implicate her in leaking company secrets. And that phone… is it haunted or is this a psychological game someone is playing with Maggie?
Be ready for mystery, intrigue, and suspense as Maggie digs up answers to her problems at the new office. How far will the powerful and rich within RXcellance go to cover up the unapproved testing and trial protocols while trying to launch a new medicine to make them big money. Scary Stuff! 
