Coming soon--Lisa Scottoline...another fast paced thriller featuring DiNunzio and Rosato!

Exposed by Lisa Scottoline is another fast paced thriller featuring DiNunzio and Rosato.
Mary DiNunzio has made partner in the firm with Bennie Rosato in Philadelphia. Mary's long time friend Simon Pensiera has asked for her help after he was fired from his job at Open Space. Mary is anxious to help and believes Simon has a case for wrongful termination. Simon's case is also heartbreaking because of the sudden death of his wife and subsequent leukemia diagnosis for Racheal. Simon believes he was fired because of the escalating medical costs for his daughter Rachael who needs a bone marrow transplant.
Mary tells Bennie about the case and Bennie cautions her to drop the case due to a conflict with the parent company. Open Space is a subsidiary company to the very influential parent company of Dumbarton which is one of Bennie's most lucrative clients for the law firm.
Tension fills the office as Mary pursues the case for Simon and trying to negotiate a resolution with the owners of Open Space. Bennie becomes more involved and tries to settle with Nate, the owner of Dumbarton, and she becomes suspicious of what the company has to hide. As the story progresses the reader will find a sinister level of company secrets. **Spoiler: There is a scene of brutal treatment of Mary before the story comes to an end.
Will Mary survive? Read the Book!
