The Expansion by Christoph Martin Is a fast paced story ...

The Expansion by Christoph Martin Is a fast paced story which includes thought provoking scenes of financial greed, deceit, and political maneuvering centered around the Panama Canal. Once I started reading I was hooked. The characters are well written and the situations are believable.

The book opens with a horribly calculated murder-suicide by our main characters mother and father in Surrey, England. Their teenaged son, Max is away with his best friend Godfredo in the Swiss Alps.  Later, an adult Max has decided to leave his career as a university professor and contract as a geomatic engineer for private companies. Soon he is asked by his best friend Godfredo from school to join in with his fathers competing team for the new Panama Canal expansion design project.

Now the author begins to layer into the story levels of intrigue, deceit, and political chess games to control which country wins the contract to implement this huge project. There are political reasons for the United States, China, Japan, Germany and Britain to want to control this expansion. But what about the silence from China?

We will meet Karis Deen, a Smithsonian environmental researcher at the Tropical Institute in Panama. She has secrets the reader will learn a bit later in the book.

It is a varied cast of characters with secret agendas and lots of political power to pull strings and influence the outcome of who wins not only the design but can bring the project to completion at the lowest cost. And about China….there is a twist written in this story which is very clever!
