Debra Erfert has a new RELEASE of Relative Evil coming out Dec 2nd....It is great!

Relative Evil by Debra Erfert is a page-turner that you just can not stop reading! I feel honored to be on the review team for Debra Erfert and am so excited about this new release!

The character of Claire Abney is so likable and believable. There are levels to the plot and twists which surprised me as I read the book. Claire is an author who supplements her income by editing for other writers. She has had small successes with two books but she continues with the romance genre she enjoys.
A life changing event happens which turns her world upside-down. He father elopes and marries a very young woman only ten months after the death of Claire’s mother. Claire and her three brothers are shocked. Claire is upset, but because she loves her father she refrains from letting him know about her disappointment. Three months after the marriage, her father has an accidental fall and breaks his arm. This is his second fall since he married Adelaide, He had broken his leg six weeks before. As Claire is at the hospital watching Adelaide care for her dad, she gets an idea for a book. What if a stepmother has Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and focuses on her new husband? How would this scenario play out for a book?
I won’t post spoilers, but Claire does not have any idea what is about to unfold in her life. Oh Goodness! Now starts a roller coaster of events which will make you sometimes smile and at other times almost cry. This book will touch on so many emotions, and I loved it!
I enjoyed Debra Erfert’s Windows series and I think this book is even better. Enjoy!

Personal Art-Diane Lochala
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