Clare Chase Death Comes to Call A Tara Thorpe Mystery...Tara is a Detective Constable now!

Death Comes to Call, Tara Thorpe Mystery #3 by Clare Chase gives the reader several characters to consider as who could be the murderer! I like Tara Thorpe mysteries and in Death Comes to Call she is now a Detective Constable after a change of careers and formal training during the past five years. Tara is smart, motivated, and thinks independently which sometimes causes problems as she interacts with her team. I know she is attracted to Blake, but I wish she could have a true romance and love of her own. Tara deserves some happiness after her trauma with the stalker in her past and also she has grown up feeling she was an unwanted child.
Getting back to the plot of the story, Matthew Cope contacts the team about his missing artist brother. Later a married woman who has a connection to Luke Cope is found murdered and he is still missing! The edgy theme of the art is interesting.
Publication Date: February 20, 2019
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.


Art Images by Diane Lochala-All Rights Reserved

"Prairie Windmill"
