Lee Child PAST TENSE Jack Reacher Adventure Thriller!

Past Tense by Lee Child is the latest in the Jack Reacher adventure-thriller series. In Past Tense, Jack and the readers learn more about Reacher's family. He decides to start a walking journey across the US and he finds adventure and trouble in his path. Reacher's father Stan had died many years earlier, or did he?
A Canadian couple, Patty and Shorty have car trouble during their trip to New York. They barely make it into the parking lot of a motel in the middle of a densely wooded area of New England. They have a mysterious suitcase in the back of their car, they must protect the contents of this case!
There are intertwining stories which will lead Reacher to the aid of this couple who have become trapped in a scheme of heartless madmen. I love how Patty and Shorty out-think their captors!
Fans of Jack Reacher will not be able to put Past Tense down until they learn the secrets!
Publication Date: November 5, 2018
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.


Art Images By Diane Lochala-All Rights Reserved

"In The Past"
