Tosca Lee The Progeny...READ..Book SWAG Giveaway!


From Tosca Lee's Website:

"Book Swag is Back… And You Could Win! #ReadProgeny

To celebrate the release of the Firstborn paperback edition (coming March 20th! Get yours here!), we’re bringing back some of the coveted Progeny series swag."
Some of my favorite quotes from the Progeny:
  1. "  Amerie loved rain. The way it made people huddle together—under umbrellas, beneath awnings. The way it stopped traffic. She loved the smell of it better than sun, and could smell a storm hours before it came. She said she loved that it brought her to the now. Because the moment your plans for anything are ruined, you are forced into the present. And for that one, perfect, ruined moment, she did not ...  "
  2. " key on a loop of string. It’s new and unremarkable except for an engraving on one side: SOME RISE BY SIN, SOME BY VIRTUE FALL.   "
  3. " We forgot how to live, to remember that we were happy, right then.   "
  4. “You loved me once. You don’t have to believe me. You don’t even have to like me, though of course I wish you did. But I’ll take knowing you’re alive over knowing you’re mine any day.” "
  5. God’s mercy is enough, or it isn’t. It’s the foundation of religion, isn’t it—forgiveness? But you never really think about what that means until you have no choice but to throw yourself on that altar and pray it’s enough. Forgiveness is enough, or it isn’t."
  6. "  Amerie loved rain . . . And for that one, perfect, ruined moment, she did not worry about the future, and the past was washed away. "
  7. "Life is beautiful, Audra. I know it doesn’t seem like it, with everything. But it is. And it is new. "
  8. "Heaven doesn’t come tomorrow. It’s here now. You don’t have to die to get there. "
And Then Read FIRSTBORN   

My Review
